Return Back To God
Sin is Deadly! And Jesus told us to stop it!
PEOPLE OF THE EARTH: TURN FROM YOUR WICKEDNESS! TURN FROM YOUR EVIL DEEDS AND TURN TO GOD FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF YOUR SINS! Through Jesus' death, burial and resurrection, He reconciled us back to God through His atoning sacrifice on the cross. Jesus made atonement for our sins by the shedding of His blood through His sacrificial death, as the perfect Lamb slaughtered, which appeased holy God's righteous anger towards man, who sinned continuously! Christ Jesus died on the cross for your sins. He took the punishment that was rightly due to you because you racked and stacked up a huge sin debt before the Living God - you and I stored up God's wrath against us, because we refused to repent and put away the sin! We must repent and come to Christ Jesus so that through His shed blood, we can have forgiveness of our sins! We must not reject what Christ has done for us on the cross! We must obey the Gospel! DON'T REJECT CHRIST! IT HAS ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES! Repent, stop SINNING, BELIEVE by FAITH that Jesus died for your sins and TURN back to God and walk in obedience henceforth!
Come Out! Repent: Turn away and follow Christ.
Judgment Day is coming and it is real! THE Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ: (Study 1 Corinthians 15:1-4)
Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES, and then He was buried, and on the 3rd day, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to the glory of God, God raised Jesus from the dead, ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES. Through His death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus has reconciled us back to God, making us pure and holy. He has set us free from the control and power SIN had over our whole entire lives! He defeated DEATH by His resurrection - by remaining alive 'til this very day! Amen!
THE MAGNITUDE OF THE SITUATION FOR OBEYING NOT THE GOSPEL: "And anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire" (Revelation. 20:15). "8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: 9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; 10 When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day" (2 Thessalonians 1:8-10)
We must believe this Gospel. WE MUST OBEY THIS GOSPEL, by turning and surrendering to Jesus as Lord and Savior!! DON'T REJECT HIM! We must REPENT [that is, to change your old way of thinking, to regret their past sins, and to seek God's purpose for your life] of our sins - FORSAKE them and never return back to the vomit! Amen!
"I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish." (Luke 13:3)
If Hell was for 100 years or 1000 years people would be holding on to that glimpse of hope. But in Hell, there are no more chances. Is Hell fair? Yes, we have sinned against a holy God. He is holy and separated from all evil. The legal system says that criminals have to be punished. With a holy God, there is a holy standard and the punishment is more severe.
God made a way. God came down in the form of man and Jesus lived the perfect life we couldn't live and died for our sins.
God freely offers salvation in Jesus Christ
What is unfair is that Jesus died and He offers salvation to sinners like us who don't deserve it or want it. That is unfair.
Should a holy God allow people to continue to sin, mock Him, curse Him, forsake Him, etc. God doesn't make you go to Hell - people choose to go to Hell.
Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it any less real. No one thinks they are going to Hell until they find themselves burning in Hell.
Here Jesus explains, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."
HELL - Jesus was serious when it came to Hell.
Hell is probably the most hated truth in the Bible. Many people are afraid to preach on Hell, but Jesus was the greatest Hellfire preacher ever. Search the Scriptures, Jesus preached more about Hell than He did Heaven. It is both easy and hard to go to Hell and here is why.
It is easy because - just do nothing. Just live your life without the Lord and you are headed to eternal punishment. It is hard because you are constantly convicted, but you say, "no I will not listen."
Many people have heard the gospel over 20 times. Many people shrug off the fear of God. They close their eyes to the truths in front of their faces.
Many people are in Hell right now gnashing their teeth saying, "it was a trick, it was just too easy, I didn't think I'd be here!" All they had to do was repent and trust in Jesus Christ alone. Sadly people want their best life now.
This is not a game!
❌ You said "NO" to His awesome salvation plan!
❌ You said "NO" I do not need to repent!
❌ You said "NO" I do not need a Savior to deliver me from God's wrath.
❌ You said "NO" to everything the Bible tells us to do for living a holy and righteous life!
Quite frankly, only thing that is left for you is "a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God." (Hebrews 10:27)
He (Jesus) Set His Face Like Flint for You & I - For the joy set before Him...our Redemption & Salvation - to be reconciled back to God...He endured the cross.
ONLY the RIGHTEOUS will inherit the Kingdom of God!
REPENT and BELIEVE and TURN Back to God!
The Gospel: Jesus died on the cross for our sins, ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES, and then He was buried, and then ON THE 3RD DAY, by the power of the Holy Spirit, GOD RAISED JESUS FROM THE DEAD, ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES! You must BELIEVE that Jesus is the Son of God, THAT HE IS GOD and that He died for your sins! You must OBEY the Gospel by responding to the finished work of Jesus on the cross with a resounding "Yes Lord!" JESUS' SHED BLOOD ON THE CROSS MADE ATONEMENT FOR YOUR SINS SO THAT THEY CAN BE FORGIVEN! Jesus RECONCILED US BACK TO GOD through His SACRIFICE! The Lord Jesus Christ is very much alive today sitting in Heaven, at the right hand of God, making intercessions for those who, by FAITH, put their trust in Him to be their LORD and SAVIOR! YOU MUST turn from your sins, OTHERWISE, you will die and go to A BURNING HELL, as you await your Final Judgment - THE LAKE OF FIRE!
I offered my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard; I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting. Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore I have set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame. // Isaiah 50:6-7
Do not be deceived - the unrighteous will NOT inherit the Kingdom of God! Repent! Repent!
If your sins are not forgiven by the Lord Jesus Christ when you die, you will go to a burning Hell, as you await the Final Judgment at the Great White Throne! For you will hear that your name has NOT been found written in the Lamb's Book of Life and you will be thrown into the Lake that burns with fire and brimstone forever and ever. The smoke of your torment will rise forever and ever and there will be no relief for you day or night!
Jesus showed a good example of a life of faith and mission-centered life by resolutely set out for Jerusalem. Even though rejection and suffering were waiting for him, he resolutely set out for Jerusalem. He had been finalizing his earthly ministry and focused on going to Jerusalem for his final mission on the cross. Thanks to Jesus' resolution and determination, now we can enjoy forgiveness of sin and eternal life in him.
Jesus also invites us to follow him and commit ourselves in service of the kingdom of God. It requires putting down our earthly goals, putting Jesus in the highest priority of our lives, and dedicating our lives fully to the service of the kingdom of God.
The cost is high but there will be an eternal reward in the kingdom of God. By paying the cost, we will become like Jesus and be rewarded with heavenly glory. And many people around us will be led to eternal life through us. Let us pay the cost of following Jesus and participate in Jesus' glory.
One Word: Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem
Jesus was fully aware that suffering and death on a cross awaited him. He knew he had to die in our place to pay for our sins. And he was determined to accomplish his mission. Later we read, "Jesus went ... teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem" (Luke 13:22). He was resolute about doing his Father's will, even if it meant rejection and death.
Jesus also faced rejection along the way. Because he was headed to Jerusalem, he wasn't welcomed in a Samaritan village. What a tragic rejection based on national identity! The disciples reacted as we might have done, but Jesus rebuked their desire for revenge. He came to redeem, not to destroy. Later he said, "The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost" (Luke 19:10). So he continued on to Jerusalem, to fulfill his purpose for our sake.
When we follow Jesus, we will learn from him. We will learn his love, compassion, power of resurrection, holiness, and together with suffering. So we can become like Jesus. As God's created being becoming like creator God, who is Jesus, is the highest goal we can achieve. Moreover, we will receive a glorious heavenly reward in the end as Jesus received his glory after his ascension. God raised Jesus to life and exalted Jesus to the right hand of him when Jesus gave his life for sinners in Jerusalem.
When we follow Jesus, we will also receive heavenly glory together with suffering on earth. Secondly, when we give our highest priority to the work of the kingdom of God, our work will be used in leading people to eternal life from eternal judgment. Medical doctors' life-saving work is precious. But the work of Jesus' disciples is far greater because it can change the eternal destiny of one person. People in this place and all the believers in this world are living proof of Jesus' disciples' work.
These are the words of our glorious Savior who suffered greatly, enduring scorn and shame on our behalf. It is these words that the disciple Luke brought to mind when he wrote his gospel:
As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. // Luke 9:51
Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus' willingness to go to Jerusalem, to pay the price to save us. Help us to follow wherever You lead us, no matter what the cost. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Lord, help me...