Is Smoking Weed A Sin?
Can Christians smoke weed? No, and yes smoking pot is indeed a sin. This new generation of professing Christians does not care for God's Word. They will make so many different excuses and twist words to justify sin. Before I became a Christian I was a pothead. It was my idol.
Man’s Need for Salvation
If you died today, and upon meeting God...
Being Deceived
Scripture repeatedly tells us to watch out for people who may try to deceive us, but sadly many people overlook the warning. If there has ever been a time to be on guard it would be now. More and more wolves are popping up and deceiving many. Shield yourself with the Word of God so you don't become a...
Is Hell Painful? Yes!
We have to stop these clichés. "God hates the sin but loves the sinner." It's not the sin that is going to be thrown into Hell it is the person. In the Bible, God afflicted the ungodly in so many ways and that is when He was holding back. You think Hell is going to be darkness and no physical...
Nothing Safe About Secret Sin
Jesus' exposition of the law is a devastating blow against the lie that image is everything.
Secret Sins - Your Sin Will Find You Out
There is no such thing as hidden sin. Trying to hide sin from God is like running from your shadow you can never get away. You can't run away from God because he knows everything. Your family and friends might not know about your secret sin, but God knows. All the skeletons in your closet should be confessed because unconfessed...
All believers must guard themselves from stubbornness. Stubbornness causes unbelievers to reject Christ as their Savior. It causes believers to go astray and rebel. It causes false teachers to continue teaching heresy. It causes us to do our will instead of God's will.